What do we do with media?

My previous post touched on the Media Effect model and using the example of the 2012 phenomena, where most people believed it passively. This post, however, is for those who did not blindly believe it and started actually thinking deeper.

I present to you the Uses and Gratification Theory which originated from 1940s. This Theory was to show that the audience are actually active users of the mass media focusing on what the people do with the media.

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The word gratification refer to forms of satisfaction and thus this theory is mainly about what the people do with the media to attain satisfaction. However, what do we mean by gratifications?

Well, there are five categories of humans need which will help to explain why.

  1. Cognitive Needs        Image result for cognitive gif

Nowadays there are a lot of educational programmes like debate, documentaries, gaming videos, makeup videos, DIYs and the lists goes on. Even in our social media, scrolling through twitter for trending articles, Instagram to see people who have gone to certain places and read the reviews maybe and so on. We use media to attain information for our intellectual needs. We get out information, we’re happy right?

      2. Affective Needs Image result for crying watching tv gif

Aka Emotional needs as a form of entertainment. I mean after a long day of work or school, we just lie down and watch the television or binge watch shows. We feel emotionally attached to the mass media and that’s why we get sad, happy or angry when the character does the same. ( Explains why I hate Regina George from Mean Girls)

     3.Personal IntegrativeImage result for superhero fail gif

This relies on self-esteem by reinforcing personal traits. We always seek reassurance for almost everything be it in a relationship, family, work and in school. How do we do it? Simple, Role models. We want to follow in their footsteps and be like them just to be reassured. For example, watching Superhero movies and wanting to be like them, to be good in a sense or watch advertisements to change your lifestyle to fit in perhaps.


      4.Social IntegrativeRelated image

As the name suggests, the need for socializing with friends and family. Using social media to keep updated on our friends’ lives, interacting via WhatsApp or Skype to our relatives residing overseas and basically connecting us with our loved ones.


       5.Tension Free NeedsRelated image

Basically, free our minds from stress by listening to songs or watching shows to relax and also as a mean to escape reality. Coming home after a tiring day and just relaxing by watching programmes, not caring about what homework you have or test to prepare for.

I agree with this approach as in this era of living, we are becoming socially accepting, grasping information we need and rejecting those we feel is not necessary for us. Furthermore, being an active audience means we are informed and know when to use the media. We are not seen as targets and appropriately use the media to suit our needs without blindly believing what the media throws at us.

However, I feel that even this theory is inadequate as not all are active users of the media and also that sometimes media influences our needs without us knowing like the branding of advertisements. We feel that we need to buy an item because it will positively affect our lives and if our favourite celebrity endorsed that said item, we want it no matter what because of reassurance.


Lobby Groups?

Lobby groups are groups of people working together to support a cause and influence the public about it.

For example, BABES Pregnancy Crisis Support Ltd

BABES is an organization in Singapore focusing on teen pregnancy to give them full support and also advocate about them to treat pregnant teenagers normally.

Their way of influencing the general public is via educational advertisements with strong rhetorical messages and emotions just like in the picture. The picture breaks down the feelings that are shared upon the news of a teenager being pregnant where she feels depressed, the male involved will feel nervous and the parent of the pregnant teen will feel angry. With this mixture of feelings, the female teen has to face the society as well.

I have seen this picture placed in certain bus stops to raise the awareness and help them out. I felt that it did strike a chord in me as pregnant teens have enough going in their lives and the last thing they will need is public scrutiny and we should do our part in giving them a little support as much as possible. And also this one example of how I feel that Uses & Gratifications is inadequate as in this scenario, media is an important factor influencing our thought process, with that I’ll be going off. Peace out!

Remember: Always be careful with media...

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3 thoughts on “What do we do with media?

  1. Hi Nabilah! This is Shermine.

    I agree with your opinion that we choose the information we need and reject those that are not important because we know when to appropriately use media. I believe that the only exception is social media, where we just consume the content we see on it 😅. I also agree that the media influences and affects us. You made a good point, I like the example you gave for affective needs. Regina George is annoying. It was a well written post, I enjoyed your use of gifs and images.

    Let’s talk more in class! 🖐😊


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Nabilah! This is Juel 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

    Personally, I thought that the GIFs used nicely complimented and further reinforced your explanation for each category of human needs – great choice!

    I also thought that your observation of the limitations of Uses and Gratifications theory was astute in stating that we cannot assume that EVERYONE interacting with media today is able to discern the truth from the news that they are reading. This is especially so for individuals who have not yet/ are unable to cultivate this sense of media awareness for some reason. Eg for individuals with special needs or learning disabilities.

    The effects of teenage pregnancy on the young mother certainly is a delicate topic to touch on, isn’t it? I truly admire you for highlighting this social issue. I call it an ‘issue’ because I definitely agree that oftentimes it is society who is putting unnecessary stress on young mothers by scoffing at them/ their life decisions rather than the young mothers feeling dejected on their own.

    Perhaps, we could use media in its other forms (mobile applications, blogs etc) to raise awareness of this issue and create a more inclusive society. By doing so, we can convince the general public that they are human too, just like ourselves.

    See you around! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great job Nabilah, you really made the post enjoyable to read! Extremely visually attractive as well.(plus points for Deadpool) The theory was explained in detail, and all the five needs were illustrated clearly, making it so relatable! Especially when you talked about affective needs, how we all just want to lie down and binge watch our shows after a long, hard day at work. I’m sure everyone feels the same way! Subsequently, great choice of lobby group! It is something different, and it makes me want to know even more about this organisation after reading. I have not heard about them, but I am touched to know that people out there are offering a helping hand for these teens, god bless!

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